22 May Planning submitted for Northstowe Education Campus
Our largest Education project; we have recently submitted the planning application for Northstowe Education Campus for the Education Sponsor, Cambridge Meridian Academies Trust (CMAT).
The design has been developed in close consultation with the contractor, Kier Construction and the key stakeholders: CMAT, Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC), Homes England (HE) and South Cambridgeshire District Council (SCDC). It has been tailored to suit their community access, preferred educational vision and pedagogy whilst responding to overarching Design Code Requirements.
Delivered over three phases and integral to the Northstowe Phase 2 Masterplan the new build Education Campus will ultimately comprise a 12 form of entry (FE) Secondary School, with a 400 place Post-16, a 3FE Primary School (with Nursery), 110 place SEN School and dual-use Indoor Sports Facilities for school and community use.
Located on the site of the former RAF Oakington base and surrounding farmland, Northstowe will be a sustainable new development that will have up to 10,000 new homes and an anticipated population of around 24,400 people. The development of Northstowe is being driven by a working partnership between South Cambridgeshire District Council, Cambridgeshire County Council and two Master Developers Gallagher Estates and Homes England (HE).