12 Feb Outline Planning Approval Received For Follingsby Park South
We are pleased to announce that the Gateshead Planning Committee unanimously approved our outline planning application at Follingsby Park South, Gateshead.
The development will create 90,000m² of B2/B8 floor-space on a 93 acre site. This includes 32 acres of green infrastructure / ecology zone surrounding the East, South and West boundaries of the site. The infrastructure zone will form a range of natural habitats to suit various wildlife including wading birds, water vole, great crested newts, bats and farmland birds. New open wetlands, areas of water-filled ditches, small pools, terrestrial habitats and diverse grasslands will also be introduced. The project incorporates part of the River Don restoration, SUDS swales and retention basins for the proposed development land.
The site forms a key location for future employment expansion for Gateshead Council. Specific development flexibility has been introduced within the enabling works to suit a range of potential occupiers for market flexibility. The development is due to start on site April 2018.