John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park

About This Project

Arabidopsis Barn

A new controlled environment laboratory linked to the Operations Centre.


This research programme based project was funded by JIC and the BBSRC. The laboratories and plant support spaces support research that requires a high degree of environmental control.


Bio-Incubator Laboratories

This significant and multi-agency project included the refurbishment of the existing Institute of Food Research (2) building to provide 4,200sqm of Bio-Incubator space.


The building, originally opened in 1992, has been refurbished to accommodate specific Cat 3 and general lab space, with a new entrance and circulation core, associated break-out and meeting spaces.


This project was partly funded by EEDA and BBSRC and is a catalyst for the future development of the Norwich Research Park, with stakeholders that also included the University of East Anglia and Norfolk and Norwich Hospital.


The Operations Centre

A new single storey building developed within the shell of the existing admin building, providing 1200 sqm of high quality training and administrative space, a Data Centre, Training Centre and Site wide services support


Funded by JIC and the BBSRC. The project is of high operational importance to the JIC and is the result of close liaison with a diverse group of users.


John Innes Centre




